一、(歌星将临) 1、A popular singer who my son admires is coming to the city. 2、He and his friends from school are all excited about the show.
二、(积极准备) 3、The ticket is very expensive but they do not mind buying it. 4、They prepared a big banner with the singer's name on it which they will hold during the concert, and they will also send him a large bouquet of flowers. 5、My son and his friends will bring along notepads and pens and they will try to get his autograph.
三、(大人受拖累) 6、However, the teachers are now complaining that the children are too excited to pay attention to their lessons and assignments. 7、The parents are starting to worry that their children might be negatively influenced by the singer. 8、The police must ensure safety in the concert venue and in the streets, for the safety of the children must always come first.