第十六章:高锥克山谷 哈利和赫敏决定去戈德里克山谷寻找格兰芬多的剑或巴希达·巴沙特。化身后,他们找到了波特夫妇的坟墓和纪念碑。巴希达发现他们并带回家,哈利认为她可能有剑,但在巴希达变成纳吉尼时,他被伏地魔惊险逃脱,赫敏则破坏了他的魔杖。
第十七章:巴希达的秘密 哈利和赫敏逃脱伏地魔的追杀,找到安全的藏身之所。赫敏解释了她在戈德里克山谷与纳吉尼搏斗时的情况。赫敏发现了一张撕掉的照片,哈利意识到邓布利多在寻找的那个年轻人可能是格林德沃。随着时间的推移,他们对邓布利多与格林德沃之间的关系有了更多的疑问。
第十八章:阿不思邓布利多的人生与谎言 哈利读到了《预言家日报》的文章,对邓布利多的过往感到失望。邓布利多年轻时的野心和家族的秘密令哈利困惑和失望。罗恩在失踪期间遭遇了许多危险,但最终他决定回来。他使用了分骨石找到了哈利和赫敏,并在哈利几乎被湖水冻死时救了他。罗恩用格兰芬多的剑摧毁了挂坠盒魂器。
第十九章:银鹿 哈利和罗恩解释了他们的冒险经历,并和赫敏和好。接着他们去到卢娜的家,希望泽诺能解释死圣的符号。泽诺详细讲述了三个死亡圣器的传说:长老魔杖、复活石和隐形衣。泽诺用隐形衣证明了故事的真实性,并警告他们注意不祥的巫师符号。
第二十章:谢农费里厄斯·洛夫古德 泽诺带领三人回到家中,向他们讲述了三件死亡圣器的传说,并解释了自己佩戴符号的原因。泽诺承认他曾试图以出卖哈利的方式换取被食死徒抓走的女儿卢娜的自由。在一场激烈的战斗后,三人逃离了泽诺的家。 In which weeks pass while Harry and Hermione, the heart gone out of them with Ron, concentrate on finding a lead to the sword’s location. At Christmastime, Harry asks to go to Godric’s Hollow for personal reasons and Hermione agrees for quest-related reasons. After planning carefully, they Apparate into Godric’s Hollow in disguise and visit the graves of Harry’s parents.
Leaving the cemetery, Harry and Hermione see the Potters’ old house, then encounter someone who appears to be Bathilda Bagshot but does not speak until she gets Harry alone. Too late, Harry discovers that they’ve been led into a trap, and that Bathilda’s corpse is being used as a disguise for Nagini. He and Hermione manage to escape, at the cost of Harry’s wand being broken accidentally by Hermione.
Chapter 18:The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore In which Hermione gives Harry a copy of The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore that she picked up in the Bagshot house, and they learn that the young man in the picture was Gellert Grindelwald, who according to Rita Skeeter was very close to Albus Dumbledore for a brief period when they were young, at a crucial period in both their lives.
In which Hermione Apparates with Harry to the Forest of Dean, where Harry, keeping watch late at night, sees and follows a Patronus in the form of a silver doe to a frozen pool in which the sword of Gryffindor lies. He is nearly strangled by the locket Horcrux’s chain when he dives to retrieve it, and is saved from drowning by Ron, who has been shown the way back by the Deluminator. Ron then confronts and destroys the Horcrux after Harry commands it to open in Parseltongue. They return together to camp, where Harry has to protect Ron from Hermione for a while.
Chapter 20:Xenophilius Lovegood In which Harry and Ron bring each other up to date on their adventures, Hermione finds the triangular mark in a photograph of one of Dumbledore’s letters, and the trio seek out Xenophilius Lovegood at his home for further information about the mark. |
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