1丹毒(Erysipelas):一种皮肤感染,通常由链球菌引起,能在几周内自行好转。 2急性支气管炎(Acute Bronchitis):呼吸道感染,通常会在几周内自愈。 3病毒性结膜炎(Viral Conjunctivitis):眼部感染,通常无需治疗,几天到一周内自行恢复。 4带状疱疹(Shingles):虽然疼痛,但大多数情况下会在几周内自行消退。 5疱疹性咽峡炎(Herpangina):由柯萨奇病毒引起,通常在几天到一周内自愈。 6单纯疱疹(Herpes Simplex):轻微的单纯疱疹感染如唇疱疹会自行消退。 7呼吸道合胞病毒感染(RSV):大多数婴儿感染RSV后能在几周内自行恢复。 8急性咽炎(Acute Pharyngitis):喉咙感染,常由病毒引起,通常能在一周内痊愈。 9手足口病(Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease):由病毒引起,通常几天到一周内痊愈。 10流行性腮腺炎(Mumps):通常在几周内自限性消退。
Here are 10 more examples of self-limiting diseases:
1Erysipelas: A skin infection usually caused by streptococcus bacteria, which typically resolves on its own within a few weeks. 2Acute Bronchitis: A respiratory infection that usually clears up within a few weeks without treatment. 3Viral Conjunctivitis: An eye infection that usually resolves on its own in a few days to a week. 4Shingles: While painful, most cases of shingles clear up on their own within a few weeks. 5Herpangina: Caused by coxsackievirus, this throat infection usually resolves within a few days to a week. 6Herpes Simplex: Minor herpes simplex infections like cold sores typically heal on their own. 7Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): Most infants with RSV infection recover on their own within a few weeks. 8Acute Pharyngitis: Throat infection often caused by a virus, typically resolves within a week. 9Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: A viral illness that usually clears up within a few days to a week. 10Mumps: Usually a self-limiting disease that resolves within a few weeks. |
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