6 我们神圣的国土
Our sacred land 辽阔的国土 Vast territory 我们的祖国位于亚洲的东部、太平洋的西岸,陆地面积960多万平方千米,仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大,是世界上面积第三大的国家。 Our motherland is located in the east of Asia and the
West Bank of the Pacific Ocean, with a land area of more than 9.6 million
square kilometers, second only to Russia and Canada, and the third largest
country in the world. 中国在世界的位置 China's position in the world 活动园 Activity Park 我国的陆地面积与欧洲差不多。 The land area of China is similar to that of Europe. 在生活中,我们也可以感受到我国面积之大。 In life, we can also feel the size of our country. 用一种你喜欢的方式,说一说祖国疆域的辽阔吧! In a way you like, talk about the vast territory of
the motherland! 我可以用诗歌来表达… I can use poetry to express 我可以用数据来说明…… I can use data to illustrate 我可以用旅游经历来描述…… I can use travel experience to describe 我国是个海陆兼备的国家。 China is a land and sea country. 在祖国大陆的东面,自北向南,渤海、黄海、东海、南海四海相连。 In the east of the motherland, from north to south,
the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea are
connected. 我国近海岛屿众多,台湾岛是我国第一大岛。 Taiwan island is the largest island in China. 活动园 Activity Park 阅读《中国的疆域》图,找一找我国有哪些陆上邻国,有哪些国家与我国隔海相望,再找一找我国大陆濒临的四大海域和我国的台湾岛。 Read the map "China's territory", find out
which land neighbors China has, which countries face China across the sea, and
then look for the four major sea areas that China's mainland is on the verge of
and Taiwan island of China. 我国现有23个省、5个自治区、4个直辖市和2个特别行政区。 China has 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4
municipalities and 2 special administrative regions 北京是中华人民共和国的首都。 Beijing is the capital of the people's Republic of
China. 中国的省级行政区域 China's provincial administrative regions 阅读角 Reading corner 省、自治区、直辖市和特别行政区 Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly
under the central government and special administrative regions 全国分为省、自治区、直辖市。 The whole country is divided into provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. 自治区是实行民族自治的地方。 Autonomous regions are places where national autonomy
is practiced. 5个自治分别是内有治区新疆尔自治区、广西壮族自治区、宁复回族自治因西藏自治区。 The five autonomous regions are Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Ningfu Hui Autonomous
Region and Tibet Autonomous Region 直辖市是由中央政府直接管辖的城市。 Municipalities directly under the central government
are directly under the jurisdiction of the city. 4个直辖市分别是北海天和重庆宪法规定,国家在必要时得设立特别行政区。 The four municipalities directly under the central
government are beihaitian and Chongqing respectively. According to the
constitution, the state may set up special administrative regions when
necessary. 现有的特别行政区是香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区,实行“一国两制”。 The existing special administrative regions are the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative
Region, which implement "one country, two systems" 阅读《中国的省级行政区域》图,看看我国都有哪些省,找找我国的自治区、直辖市和特别行政区。 Read the map of "China's provincial
administrative regions" to see which provinces there are in China, and
look for China's autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central
government and special administrative regions 你和家人出生在什么地方?试着在图中找出来,并与同学交流。 Where were you and your family born? Try to find out
in the picture and communicate with classmates. 台湾省位于我国东南沿海,包括台湾岛以及附近的澎湖列岛、钓鱼岛、赤尾屿等岛屿。 Taiwan Province is located in the southeast coast of
China, including Taiwan Island, Penghu Islands, Diaoyu Islands and Chiwei
islands. 台湾岛山地面积大,气候温暖湿润,景色秀美,物产丰富,经济发达。 Taiwan island has a large mountainous area, warm and
humid climate, beautiful scenery, rich products and developed economy. “海上明珠”“亚洲天然植物园”“海上米仓”“东方甜岛”“水果之乡等都是台湾岛的美称。 "Pearl of the sea", "natural botanical
garden of Asia", "rice warehouse on the sea", "Oriental
Sweet island" and "hometown of fruits" are all well-known names
of Taiwan Island 台湾自古以来是我国领土不可分割的一部分。 Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China's
territory since ancient times. 日月潭 Riyuetan Pool 日月潭中有一个岛,岛的一侧水域形似太阳,另一侧水域形似弯月,故称日月潭。 There is an island in the Sun Moon Lake. The water
area on one side of the island looks like the sun, and the water area on the
other side looks like the crescent moon, so it is called the Sun Moon Lake. 阿里山的风光 The scenery of Mt. Ali 到了阿里山,可以观日出、看云海、赏晚霞、游森林、体验高山铁路和小火车。 When you get to Alishan, you can enjoy the sunrise,
the sea of clouds, the sunset, the forest, the high mountain railway and the
small train. 通过查阅资料了解台湾省的美丽风光和民风民情以及民族英雄郑成功收复台湾的故事等,与同学分享。 Learn about the beautiful scenery and folk customs of
Taiwan Province, and the story of Zheng Chenggong, a national hero, who
recovered Taiwan by consulting materials. 幅员辽阔的国土为中华民族的生存和发展提供了巨大的空间,我们世世代代在这片土地上生息、繁衍。 The vast territory provides a huge space for the
survival and development of the Chinese nation. We have lived and multiplied in
this land for generations. 祖国的每一寸土地都神圣不可侵犯。 Every inch of the land of the motherland is sacred and
inviolable. 好山好水好风光 Good mountain, good water, good scenery 我国有连绵巍峨的高山和气势磅礴的高原,山环抱的地和一望无际的平原还有高低起伏的丘陵不错的江泊。 China has towering mountains and majestic plateaus,
land surrounded by mountains and boundless plains, as well as undulating hills
and good rivers and lakes. 祖国的大好河山就像一幅山水画卷,蕴有十平民族丰文化韵味。 The great rivers and mountains of the motherland are
like a landscape painting, which contains the rich cultural charm of the
shiping nationality. 阅读《中国地形》图,找找我国的主要山脉和大江大河,看看它们都分布在哪里。 Read the map of topography of China, find the main
mountains and rivers in China, and see where they are all distributed. 再看看我们居住的地方有没有山脉、河流,说说它们的名字。 Let's see if there are mountains and rivers where we
live. Let's talk about their names. 长江三峡 The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River 长江是我国第一长河,日夜不停,奔向东海。 The Yangtze River is the longest river in China,
running day and night to the East China Sea. 长江有着丰富的水量、众多的支流,像母亲一样,用甘甜的乳汁哺育了中华儿女。 The Yangtze River is rich in water and many
tributaries. Like a mother, it feeds the Chinese people with sweet milk. 黄河上游 The upper reaches of the Yellow River “黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。” "The water of the Yellow River comes up from the
sky, runs to the sea and never comes back." 黄河流域是世界著名的古代文明发祥地之一,是中华民族的 摇篮。 The Yellow River Basin is one of the famous
birthplaces of ancient civilization in the world, and it is the birthplace of
the Chinese nationCradle. 黄山 Mount Huangshan 黄山位于安徽省,是我国著名的旅游景区。 Huangshan, located in Anhui Province, is a famous
tourist attraction in China. 到黄山可以观看奇松、怪石和云海。 To Huangshan, you can see strange pines, strange rocks
and sea of clouds. 古人曾写下“黄山归来不看岳”的诗句来赞美黄山。 The ancients once wrote a poem to praise Mount
Huangshan. 天山牧场 Tianshan Ranch 天山是多条山脉组成的山系。 Tianshan is a mountain system composed of many
mountains. 古人用“东西南北尽天山”的诗句来形容天山的广大。 The ancients used the poem "to describe the vast
Tianshan Mountains.". 想一想,为什么长江、黄河都是自西向东流向大海。 Think about why the Yangtze River and yellow river
flow from west to east to the sea. 说一说,哪个景观给你留下的印象深刻,你有什么感受。 Tell me which landscape impresses you deeply and how
do you feel. 活动园 Activity Park 利用节假日,观察所见的山水树木,用自己喜欢的方式记录和描述自然风光,欣赏和感受祖国山水之美。 Use holidays to observe the landscape trees, record
and describe the natural scenery in the way you like, and appreciate and feel
the beauty of the motherland's landscape 祖国处处是美景,其中有些美景很独特,有些美素十分罕贝还有些美景对研究自然环境演化具有重要意又,人类重要的世界自然遗产。 The motherland is full of beautiful sceneries, some of
which are unique, some of which are rare, and some of which are of great
significance to the study of the evolution of the natural environment. They are
also important world natural heritages for mankind. 根据联合国教科文组织《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》的规定,整个国际社会都有责任通过合保护世界自然产公约》的规定,整个国际社会都有责任通过合作保护世界自然遗产 According to the UNESCO Convention on the protection
of the world cultural and natural heritage, the whole international community
has the responsibility to protect the world natural heritage through
cooperation ①云南石林贵州荔波重庆武隆、广西桂林,贵州施秉,重庆金佛山和广西环江合为一处世界自然遗产——中国南方喀斯特 Shilin of Yunnan, Libo of Guizhou, Wulong of
Chongqing, Guilin of Guangxi, Shibing of Guizhou, Jinfoshan of Chongqing and
Huanjiang of Guangxi are combined into a world natural heritage - karst in
southern China ②福建泰宁,湖南崀山、广东丹霞山,江西龙虎山(包括龟峰),浙江江郎山,贵州赤水合为一处世界自然遗产一中国丹霞 中国的世界自然遗产分布。 Fujian Taining, Hunan Langshan, Guangdong Danxia
Mountain, Jiangxi Longhu Mountain (including Guifeng), Zhejiang Jianglang
Mountain, Guizhou Chishui are a world natural heritage - China
DanxiaDistribution of World Natural Heritage in China。 图中这么多景区,它们为什么能入选为世界自然遗产呢? With so many scenic spots in the picture, why can they
be selected as world natural heritage sites? 去过其中某个地方的同学,可以向其他同学介绍自己的感想。 Students who have been to one of these places can
introduce their feelings to other students. 也可以选择一处你感兴趣的世界自然遗产,查阅资料后,与同学交流。 You can also choose a world natural heritage site that
you are interested in. After consulting the information, you can communicate
with your classmates. 阅读角 Reading corner 世界文化遗产以及世界文化与自然双重遗产 World cultural heritage and world cultural and natural
heritage 人类要保护的世界产,除了世界自然遗产,还有世界文化遗产。 In addition to the world natural heritage, there are
also world cultural heritage to be protected. 世界文化遗产是那些对全世界人类都具有重要意义和普遍性价值的文化,如某些古、建筑群和遗址。 World cultural heritages are those cultures that are
of great significance and universal value to mankind all over the world, such
as some ancient buildings, buildings and sites. 还有一些要保护的世界遗产属于文化与自然双重遗产。 There are also some world heritages to be protected,
which belong to the dual heritage of culture and nature. 在联合国教科文组织建立的《世界遗产名录》中,北京故宫、秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑杭州西湖等被列入世界文化遗产名录,泰山、黄山等被列入世界文化与自然双重遗产名录。 In the world heritage list established by UNESCO,
Beijing Palace Museum, Qin Shihuang mausoleum and terracotta warriors pit,
Hangzhou West Lake, etc. are listed in the world cultural heritage list, while
Mount Tai and Mount Huangshan are listed in the world cultural and natural
heritage list. 保护世界遗产,需要人类的共同努力。 The protection of world heritage needs the joint
efforts of mankind. 我们身边的一山一水、一草一木同样需要保护。 We also need to protect the mountains, rivers, plants
and trees around us. 尊重自然爱护生态和保护环境,是我们的共同责任。 It is our common responsibility to respect nature,
protect ecology and environment. 活动园 Activity Park 感受祖国山河之美 选择你感兴趣的景观,描述其独特之处,感受其中蕴含的文化韵味。 Feel the beauty of the motherland, choose the
landscape you are interested in, describe its uniqueness, and feel the cultural
charm. 践行文明出游公约 以小组为单位讨论,如何用自己的行动爱护自然,爱护文化遗产,爱护祖国的一草一木,然后设计一份《旅游文明公约》。 Practice the civilized travel convention, discuss in
groups how to take care of nature, cultural heritage and every plant of the
motherland with their own actions, and then design a "Convention on
Tourism civilization". 旅游文明公约 Convention on Tourism civilization 我郑重承诺: I solemnly promise: 承诺人: Committed by: 一方水土一方生活 One side of the soil and the other side of the life 我国地形复杂,气候多样。 China has complex terrain and diverse climate. 有的地方长夏无冬,有的地方冬季漫长,有的地方四季分明。 有的地方降水稀少,气候干旱;有的地方雨量充沛,气候湿润。在不同的自然环境下,我国从南到北、从东到西,人们的生产和生活方式也各具特色。 Some places have long summer without winter, some
places have long winter, and some places have four distinct seasons.In some
places, precipitation is scarce and the climate is dry; Some places have
abundant rainfall and humid climate. In different natural environments, from
south to North and from east to west, people's production and life styles have
their own characteristics. 江南丘陵上的茶园 Tea garden on the hills of the south of the Yangtze
River 华北平原上的农田 Farmland on the North China Plain 南方的渔业小镇 Fishing town in the South 内蒙古高原上的牧场 Pastures on the Inner Mongolia Plateau 阅读《中国地形》图,找一找我国的平原、高原、丘陵和盆地。 Read the topographic map of China and look for China's
plains, plateaus, hills and basins. 了解一下我们所在地区的地形以及气候特点,然后和同学讨论,我们的生产受到哪些自然环境的影响。 Learn about the terrain and climate characteristics of
our area, and then discuss with your classmates what natural environment
influences our production. 活动园 Activity Park 请你观察下图中不同地区人们的居住环境,结合所在地区的自然环境特点,说一说,为什么会有这样的差别。 Please observe the living environment of people in
different areas in the figure below, combined with the characteristics of the
natural environment in the area, and explain why there are such differences. 资料1林宇住在东北农村然冬天天寒地冻,但是,火墙、火炕和双层玻璃让屋子里暖暖的。 Data 1 Lin Yu lives in the countryside of Northeast
China. Although it's cold in winter, the fire wall, fire Kang and double glass
make the room warm. 东北雪乡 Northeast Snow Village 资料2陈海生家住在闽江江畔,世代以捕鱼为生,是名副其实的水上人家。 Data 2 Chen Haisheng's family lives on the Bank of
Minjiang River and has been fishing for generations. 水上人家 People on water 资料3秦川的爸爸小时候住在黄土高原的窑洞里。 Data 3 Qinchuan's father lived in a cave on the loess
plateau when he was a child. 窑洞就地取材而建,并且冬暖夏凉,是当地人们传统的民居。 The cave is built with local materials and is warm in
winter and cool in summer. It is a traditional residence for local people. 陕北窑洞 Cave dwellings in Northern Shaanxi 说一说,自己家乡的衣,食、住、行与当地自然环境有什么关系。 Let's talk about the relationship between the
clothing, food, housing and transportation of our hometown and the local
natural environment. 选择一种方式,展示家乡的生活特色。 Choose a way to show the life characteristics of your
hometown. “一方水土养一方人”,不同地区人们的生产生活有着很大的差异。 There are great differences in the production and life
of people in different areas. 随着时代的发展,不同地区之间的交往越来越多,这需要人们不断增加了解,相互尊重彼此的生活习俗。 With the development of the times, there are more and
more exchanges between different regions, which requires people to constantly
increase understanding and respect each other's living customs. |
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