8美丽文字 民族瑰宝
Beautiful writing, national treasure 我国是多民族、多语言、多文种的国茅,,还有又、蒙文、维吾尔文、朝鲜文等几十文字。 China is a multi-ethnic, multi lingual and multi
lingual country. There are also dozens of characters, such as Chinese,
Mongolian, Uighur and Korean. 这些文字是中族智慧的结晶,它们共同书写了祖国悠久的历的文化。 These characters are the crystallization of the wisdom
of the Chinese nation, and together they write the long history and culture of
the motherland. 丰富多样的文字 Rich and diverse text 《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》明确规:“国家推普通话,推行规范汉字。” "The law of the people's Republic of China on
national common language and writing" clearly stipulates: "the state
promotes Putonghua and promotes standardized Chinese characters." 阅读角 Reading corner 世界脊上的文字——藏文 The script on the ridge of the world Tibetan 如果把世界上的文字按其“家乡”的海拔排成队,那么排在第一位的就是我国的藏文,有人称它是“世界屋上的文字”。 If the characters in the world are ranked in line
according to the altitude of their "Hometown", then the Tibetan
language in China ranks first. Some people call it "the characters in the
world house" 1300多年前,松赞干布受文的启发,命人着手创文字,这种文字就是现代藏文的前身。用藏文写成的古代文献浩如烟海。 More than 1300 years ago, songzangan cloth was
inspired by the text, and ordered people to start to create the text, which is
the predecessor of modern Tibetan. Ancient literature written in Tibetan is
vast. 在人民币上,印有五种民族文字,你能辨认出来吗? 你还知道我国其他的文字吗?说说看。 There are five kinds of national characters printed on
the RMB. Can you recognize them?Do you know any other Chinese characters? tell
us your opinion. 古老而优美的汉字 Ancient and beautiful Chinese characters 汉字具有非常悠久的历史,是世界最古老的文字之一。 Chinese
characters have a very long history and are one of the oldest characters in the
world. 汉字是表意体系的文字,特别是早期汉字,直观形象,生动多姿。 Chinese
characters are ideographic system of characters, especially the early Chinese
characters, intuitive and vivid. 这个古词字中的“虎”字,像不像一只威风凛凛的老虎呢? Does the word "tiger" in this ancient
Chinese word look like a majestic tiger? 它突出了老虎身上的斑纹和张开的大嘴。 It highlights the tiger's stripes and open mouth. 寥寥几笔,一副霸气十足的兽中之王的形象便跃然纸上。 A few strokes, a pair of domineering full of the image
of the king of beasts will jump on the paper. 这个古汉字更像一幅图画,它长着长长的鼻子和健壮的身躯。 This
ancient Chinese character is more like a picture. It has a long nose and a
strong body. 你猜对了吗?这是古汉字中的“象”字。 Are
you right? This is the character "Xiang" in ancient Chinese
characters. 它真是惟妙惟肖,活灵活现,充满灵动之美。 It
is really lifelike, vivid, full of smart beauty. 活动园 Activity Park 暑假里,万舟和妈妈去中国文字博物馆参观。 During the summer vacation, Wan Zhou and his mother
went to visit the Museum of Chinese characters. 他发现有些古汉字就像图画,形象而生动。 He found that some ancient Chinese characters were
like pictures, vivid and vivid. 你能猜出这些古汉字对应哪些现在通用的规范汉字吗? Can you guess which standard Chinese characters are
now used for these ancient Chinese characters? 试着在右边的田字格中工整地写出来。 Try to write it neatly in the field on the right. 汉字与绘画同出一源,早期汉字与以写意为特点的中国绘画有异曲同工之妙。 Chinese characters and painting come from the same
source. Early Chinese characters and Chinese painting characterized by freehand
brushwork have the same effect. 汉字的这种写意性形体使得人们很容易根据字形去判断它所表达的意义。 The freehand form of Chinese characters makes it easy
for people to judge its meaning according to the characters. 甲骨文是汉字的最早阶段,其中有些文字就像原始的绘画。 Oracle bone inscriptions are the earliest stage of
Chinese characters, some of which are like primitive paintings. 好啊,我们一起制作以“寻汉字之源,赞汉字之美为主题的板报。 OK, let's make a blackboard newspaper with the theme
of "looking for the source of Chinese characters and praising the beauty
of Chinese characters". 我搜集了一些甲骨文的图片,想和同学们一起欣赏这些图画一样美丽的文字。 I collected some pictures of oracle bone inscriptions.
I want to enjoy the beautiful words like these pictures with my classmates. 每个同学都行动起来查找一个古老的象形文字记录在右侧。 Each student took action to find an ancient
hieroglyphic record on the right. 阅读角 Reading corner 十二属诗 Twelve Poems 沈炯(南朝) Shen Jiong (Southern Dynasty) 鼠迹生尘,牛羊幕下来。 The traces of rats give birth to dust, and the
curtains of cattle and sheep come down. 虎啸坐空谷,兔月向窗开。 The tiger roars and sits in the empty valley, the
rabbit moon opens to the window. 龙(xl)远青翠,蛇柳近排。 Dragon (XL) far green, snake willow near row. 马兰方远捕,羊负始春载。 Malan side far catch, sheep bear the beginning of
spring. 猴乘盖芳果,鸡(zh)引清杯。 The monkey is covered with fragrant fruit and the
chicken is served with a clear cup. 狗其怀物外,猪蠡(li)窅(yao)悠哉。 Besides dogs, pigs are at ease. 甲骨文中的十二属相 Twelve zodiac signs in Oracle Bone Inscriptions 汉字形体优美,具有十分独特的审美价值。 Chinese characters are beautiful in shape and have
unique aesthetic value. 从甲骨文到楷书,每一个阶段的汉字都呈现出不同的字体风格,构成了中华文化史上一道道亮丽的风景线。 From oracle bone inscriptions to regular script,
Chinese characters in each stage present different font styles, forming a
beautiful landscape in the history of Chinese culture. 活动园 Activity Park 在我国许多名胜古迹以及出土的文物中,都能发现汉字的踪迹。 Chinese characters can be found in many places of
interest and cultural relics unearthed in China. 让我们一起领略不同时期汉字的风采吧! Let's enjoy the charm of Chinese characters in
different periods! 这些画在甲骨上的符号是3000多年前商朝的文字。 The symbols of these paintings on the oracle bones
were written in the Shang Dynasty more than 3000 years ago. 刻有文字的甲骨 Oracle bone with inscriptions 这是西周时期的毛公鼎、距今约2800年,鼎内铸有文字近500个。 This is the tripod of Mao Gong in the Western Zhou
Dynasty, about 2800 years ago. There are nearly 500 characters in the tripod. 毛公鼎及铭文 Mao Gong Ding and its inscriptions 这是一枚约2200年前的秦朝货币,上面铸有小篆“半两”二字。 This is a coin of the Qin Dynasty about 2200 years
ago, on which the character "banliang" is engraved. 秦半两钱 Qin banliang 这是1000多年前唐朝书法家颜真卿撰写的碑文。 This is an inscription written by Yan Zhenqing, a
calligrapher of Tang Dynasty, more than 1000 years ago. 《多宝塔碑》(局部) Duobaota stele (part) 阅读角 Reading corner 汉字——一路走来 Chinese characters: all the way 距今3000多年前的甲骨文是刻写在龟甲、兽骨这样坚硬材料上的文字,呈现笔道纤细、瘦硬方折的字体风格,具有一种特有的清癯(qu)之美。 More than 3000 years ago, oracle bone inscriptions
were written on hard materials such as tortoise shells and animal bones,
presenting the style of thin, hard and square fold, with a unique beauty of
Qing Dynasty. 西周时期的代表字体是铸刻在青铜器上的金文。 The representative typeface of the Western Zhou
Dynasty is the inscriptions on bronzes. 金文的笔道肥厚粗壮、圆浑丰润,整体风格庄重典雅、精致美观,与当时庄严的青铜文化相映成辉。 The overall style is solemn and elegant, exquisite and
beautiful, which is in harmony with the solemn bronze culture of that time. 秦小线条粗细均匀,字的大小基本相同,字形均呈长圆态势,已初具方块汉字的规模。 Qin small line thickness is uniform, the size of the
word is basically the same, the shape is long round, has begun to take shape in
the size of square Chinese characters. 汉代的隶书蚕头燕尾、笔法沉稳,是汉代文化尚的写照。 The Han Dynasty's official script has a broad head and
swallow tail, and the style of writing is calm, which is a reflection of the
Han Dynasty's culture. 唐代的楷书结构严谨,堪为楷模,是盛唐审美取向的代表。 The
structure of the regular script in the Tang Dynasty is rigorous and can be
regarded as a model, which is the representative of the aesthetic orientation
of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. 草书的灵动,行书的清秀,都体现了人们对汉字形体之美的不懈追求。 The
agility of cursive script and the elegance of running script all reflect
people's unremitting pursuit of the beauty of Chinese characters. 汉字的书法艺术更是绚烂多姿,异彩纷呈,是中华艺术宝库中的重要元素。 The calligraphy art of Chinese characters is gorgeous
and colorful, which is an important element in the treasure house of Chinese
art. 活动园 Activity Park 我国历史上流传下来许多书法作品,成为珍贵的文化遗产,让我们来欣赏这些作品吧! Many calligraphy works handed down in Chinese history
have become precious cultural heritage. Let's enjoy these works! 王羲之《兰亭集序》(摹本.局部) Preface to Orchid Pavilion collection by Wang Xizhi 柳公权《玄秘塔碑》(局部) Xuanmi tower stele by Liu Gongquan (part) 你喜欢哪种字体?把你搜集的字帖或者自己的书法作品带来,和同学一起分享。 Which font do you like? Bring your collected calligraphy
or your own calligraphy works to share with your classmates. 意蕴隽永的汉字 Meaningful Chinese characters 汉字是我们的祖先在生产劳动中创造出来的,每个汉字都熔铸先人的智慧和灵感,充分体现了中华民族伟大的创造力。 Chinese characters are created by our ancestors in the
process of production and labor. Each Chinese character melts the wisdom and
Inspiration of our ancestors and fully embodies the great creativity of the
Chinese nation. 活动园 Activity Park 五(6)班计划在本学期课余时间开展一次主题为“趣味汉字”的竞赛活动,同学们开始查阅相关资料,很多同学查到了自己非常感兴趣的汉字。 Class 5 (6) plans to carry out a competition with the
theme of "interesting Chinese characters" in the spare time of this
semester. Students begin to look up the relevant information, and many students
find the Chinese characters they are very interested in. The word "old" is above, indicating the old
man. 古汉字(孝),示孩子搀扶着老人,这就是尽孝道啊! Ancient Chinese characters (filial piety) show that
children support the elderly, which is filial piety ah! 尊老、敬老是中华民族的传统美德 Respecting the old is the traditional virtue of the
Chinese nation 下边是“子”字,表示子女。 Below is the word "Zi", which means
children. 我搜集的是(信)字。 What I collect is (letter). 它的左边是“人”,右边是“”讲究诚信是我们每个人都应具备的美德。 On the left is "people" and on the right is
"honesty is a virtue that every one of us should possess.". 我查找到了(忠)字。 I found the word (Zhong). 它的本义是真诚无私、尽心敬业。我们要做忠诚、忠实、忠厚的人。 Its original meaning is sincere selfless, dedicated.
We should be loyal, loyal and honest people. 还有哪些汉字体现了中华民族的传统美德? What other Chinese characters embody the traditional
virtues of the Chinese nation? 汉字形体与其所表达意义之间的密切关系,使得它与中华文化的众多元素相互融通、神合意随,在中华文化中具有崇高的地位汉字之中有故事,汉字之中有文化。 The close relationship between the form of Chinese
characters and the meaning it expresses makes it integrate with many elements
of Chinese culture and have a lofty position in Chinese culture. There are
stories in Chinese characters and culture in Chinese characters. 从汉字的形体中,我们往往可以体味出中华民族传统的思想观念。 From the shape of Chinese characters, we can often
appreciate the traditional ideas of the Chinese nation. 活动园 Activity Park 猜一猜,“德”字最初的含义是什么? Guess what is the original meaning of "de"? 表示四通八达的道路,就是后来行走的“行”字。 The word "Xing" refers to the road extending
in all directions. 是在人的眼睛上面画一竖线,表示人在走路时紧盯前方,目不斜视。这就是后来正直的“直”字。 It is to draw a vertical line on people's eyes to show
that people are staring at the front and not squinting when walking. This is
the word "Zhi" of integrity later. 甲骨文(德)以“行”和“直”的组合,来表示人要走正道,不要误入歧途。 The combination of "Xing" and
"Zhi" in oracle bone inscriptions (virtues) indicates that people
should follow the right path and not go astray. 这正是道德的“德”最初的含义,反映出古人遵照正确原则行事的道德观念。 This is the original meaning of "Virtue" of
morality, reflecting the ancient people's moral concept of acting according to
the correct principles. 请观察“友”字,试着说一说它反映出中华民族怎样的道德观念。 Please observe the word "friend" and try to
say how it reflects the moral concept of the Chinese nation. 友 friend 相关链接 Related links 和谐的“和”字,甲骨文写作敏,也就是后来的“”字。 Harmonious "and" character, oracle bone
inscriptions writing min, that is later "" word. 它的左边是用竹管编制的一类的乐器,右边是禾苗的“禾”。 On the left is a kind of musical instrument made of
bamboo pipes, and on the right is the "he" of he Miao. 古人认为,禾苗需要得阴阳六气之正,才能顺利生长,这是自然的和谐。 The ancients believed that the seedlings need to have
the balance of yin and yang to grow smoothly, which is the harmony of nature. 对于乐器来说,最重要的是音声相和,是宫商角羽的绝佳配合,这是人文的和谐。 For
musical instruments, the most important thing is the harmony of sound and
sound, which is the perfect cooperation of Gong Shang Jiao Yu, which is the
harmony of humanity. 一个“龢”字,透露出古人综合全面的和谐观,体现了社会和谐与自然和谐的完美结合。 The
word "he" reveals the ancients' comprehensive view of harmony, and
embodies the perfect combination of social harmony and natural harmony. 汉字自古至今一直顽强地坚持自己独特的表意性,每一个汉字都蕴含着丰富的古代文化信息。 Since
ancient times, Chinese characters have been tenaciously adhering to their own
unique ideographic, and each Chinese character contains rich ancient cultural
information. 一个个字符就如同中华文化的活化石,传递着来自古代社会的音讯,描绘了中华文化发展的轨迹。 Each
character is like a living fossil of Chinese culture, conveying information
from ancient society and describing the development track of Chinese culture. 活动园 Activity
Park 先猜猜图中的人在做什么,它们会是什么字呢? First
guess what the people in the picture are doing and what the words will be? 再阅读下面的资料。 Read
the following again. 你知道吗?在青铜镜产生之前,古人是用盆里的水来充当镜子的,因为静止的水面可以照出人影。 You
know what? Before the bronze mirror came into being, the ancients used the
water in the basin as the mirror, because the still water could reflect the
human figure. 这样的“水镜”在甲骨文中就有形象的记录,写作像一个人俯身对着一盆水照自己的样子。 Such
a "water mirror" is vividly recorded in oracle bone inscriptions.
Writing is like a person bending over a basin of water to shine on himself. 这就是后来的“监”字,繁体字写作“監”,左上角的“臣”表示人的眼睛,右上角的部分表示人的身体,下边的“皿”就是盛水的器皿。 This
is the later word "Jian". In traditional Chinese, "Jian" is
written. The "minister" in the upper left corner represents human
eyes, the part in the upper right corner represents human body, and the
"dish" below is a vessel for holding water. 人们掌握青铜冶炼技术以后,出现了铜镜。为了反映镜子制作材料的变化,古人在“監”的左边加上“金”字旁,于是有了“鑑”字,也就是现在的“鉴”字的异体字。 After
people mastered the bronze smelting technology, the bronze mirror appeared. In
order to reflect the changes of mirror making materials, the ancients added the
word "Jin" to the left of "Jian", so the word
"Jian" came into being, which is the variant of "Jian" now. 搜集一个汉字的故事,与同学交流,并说一说自己的体会。 Collect
a story of Chinese characters, communicate with classmates, and tell your own
experience. 活动记录 Activity
record 故事梗概 Outline
of the story 我要讲的汉字 Chinese
characters I want to speak 影响深远的汉字 Far reaching Chinese characters 汉字不仅是维系中华文明的重要纽带,也是世界人民共同的财富。 Chinese
characters are not only an important link to maintain Chinese civilization, but
also the common wealth of the people of the world. 汉字很早就传入朝鲜半岛、日本、越南等国家和地区,对促进中国与这些国家和地区的经济、文化交流发挥了重要作用中国周边也逐渐形成了以汉字为媒介的“汉字文化圈”。 Chinese
characters have been introduced into Korean Peninsula, Japan, Vietnam and other
countries and regions for a long time, which plays an important role in
promoting economic and cultural exchanges between China and these countries and
regions. The "Chinese character cultural circle" has gradually formed
around China. 阅读角 Reading
corner 汉字在朝鲜半岛 Chinese
characters in Korean Peninsula 公元1世纪,朝鲜半岛就出现了用汉字记录的地名、国名。 In
the first century AD, place names and country names recorded in Chinese
characters appeared on the Korean Peninsula. 在其后相当长的历史时期内,汉字都是朝鲜半岛的官方文字。 For
quite a long period of history, Chinese characters were the official characters
on the Korean Peninsula. 汉字在日本 Chinese
characters in Japan Chinese
characters were introduced into Japan on a large scale along with Chinese
documents. 最早传入日本的汉语文献有《论语》,传入的时间是在公元3世纪前后日本的汉字教育有两大内容,一是识字,二是书法。 The
earliest Chinese literature introduced into Japan is the Analects of Confucius,
which was introduced around the third century AD. there are two main contents
of Chinese character education in Japan, one is literacy, the other is
calligraphy. 日本人认为书法是心灵的图画,是体现自我内心世界的方式 Japanese
believe that calligraphy is a picture of the soul and a way to reflect their
inner world 1000多年前日本高僧空海的书法作品《风信帖》(局部) "Fengxintie"
(part) written by Konghai, a Japanese eminent monk, more than 1000 years ago 汉字在越南 Chinese
characters in Vietnam 越南在相当长的历史时期里并用越南语和汉语两种语言,并把汉语和汉字作为正式的官方语言和文字。 Vietnam
has used Vietnamese and Chinese for a long time, and takes Chinese and Chinese
as official languages and characters. 现代越南语仍然使用着大量汉语借词。 A
large number of Chinese loanwords are still used in modern Vietnamese. 你还知道我国的汉字对哪些国家和地区的文字和文化产生了影响?搜集资料,记录下来。 Do
you know which countries and regions are influenced by Chinese characters?
Collect information and record it. 在今天这个信息化、全球化的时代,古老的汉字正焕发出新的活力。 In
today's information and globalization era, ancient Chinese characters are
glowing with new vitality. 随着中国文化在海外的影响日益增强,汉字将在中华民族伟大复兴的进程中扮演更加重要的角色。 With
the increasing influence of Chinese culture abroad, Chinese characters will
play a more important role in the process of the great rejuvenation of the
Chinese nation. 外国人学习用毛笔写汉字 Foreigners
learn to write Chinese characters with a brush 阅读角 Reading
corner 王选与汉字激光照排系统 Wang
Xuan and Chinese character laser phototypesetting system 你发现了吗? Did
you find out? |
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