
故事 《驴和狼》(4分钟)

2010-12-20 15:32| 发布者: 栗萍| 查看: 2031| 评论: 0

摘要: ...

Lesson Twenty?seven(第二十七课)
A: While  the donkey was  eating grass  in the field,
          Who came and   said “ I  want   to  eat you!”?
B: A   hungry  wolf did.
A: Was  the donkey  very  afraid?
B:Yes,  of  course.
A:  What  did  he do?
B:He thought hard to   find    a  way  to  escape.
Lesson Twenty?eight(第二十八课)(选修)
A: Did  he   get   an idea?
B: Yes, he  did.
A: What  did  he  do?
B:He    pretended   to  have  a hurt foot.
Lesson Twenty?nine(第二十九课)(选修)
A:  What  did  the wolf say?
B: He asked,“What's wrong with your foot?”
A: What   did the  donkey say?
B:He   said:“  I   have a thorn  in   my  hoof.
        If  you eat me, the thorn will hurt your throat.
       Please pull it out before you eat me.”
Lesson Thirty(第三十课)(选修)
A:What  did the wolf  do?
B:He   held  the donkey's hoof  and looked at it   again    and   again.
A:What  did the donkey do?
B: He kicked the wolf's face  and  ran   away.


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