Happy for Nothing
1、A British gentleman went to an ATM for some cash. 2、To his pleasant surprise, the machine poured out money that was twice the amount he had entered. 3、He tried once again and the machine did the same thing.
二、人人爱财 4、He then turned to tell the people around and called all his friends to come for "double money". 5、Soon, a long queue formed before the machine. 6、While waiting happily for their turns, they called and told their friends the good news.
三、空喜一场 7、People from the bank found out what was going on and turned off the machine. 8、They apologized to the customers and begged them to return the money. 9、With hesitation, everyone followed the request from the bank. 10、They queued for a long time in vain, but they still felt very happy.