
7 《安乐死》 (3分钟)

2010-12-19 09:59| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1390| 评论: 0

摘要: .


Mercy Killing


1.John was riding his prized horse Belle down the road when a truck came fast and bumped him and his horse heavily.
2.John was thrown ten meters into a ditch and Belle two meters away from him.
3.Lying on his back,he was so badly hurt that he could not move at all.
4.He knew that Belle was in a terrible shape for he could hear her moaning and groaning.

5.Shortly after the accident, two policemen came to the scene and one of them heard the horse moaning and went over to her.
6.After examining the horse, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes.
7.Then he went across to check John.

8.With the gun still in his hand, the policeman said to John softly,
9."Your horse was in a very bad condition that is why I had to shoot her, how are you feeling?" Making great effort to conceal his agony, John said, "I'm fine!"



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