
1 《漂亮的手》(2分钟)

2011-5-17 14:42| 发布者: 赵主任| 查看: 5027| 评论: 0

摘要: 1


Beautiful Hands


1、Huanglan had a pair of such beautiful, slender hands that she won the first prize in a "Most Beautiful Hand" competition.
2、Many jewelers wanted to "buy" her hands and she had a contract with one of the biggest jewelers.
3、Her hands have become the source of her income.
4、She has been a professional hand model for two years, and her hands are
often seen on jewelry ads on TV, magazines and newspapers.

5、However, she has to quit the profession for a pet dog has bitten one of her hands, leaving a scar on it.
6、Fortunately, she had bought insurance for her hands, and she received a big compensation which she used to start a business of her own.



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