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2023-9-4 13:16| 发布者: admin| 查看: 533| 评论: 0

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A Rainbow of Nine Colors


1.it was a sunny morning when beanie the barn owl woke up and rubbed his round saucer-like eyes.

2.he hopped down the stairs and waved hello to Mama barn owl.

3. “Are you ready for school?”

4.“Yes I can't wait!”“we're going to learn about rainbows today!”

5.“That sounds like fun,”Mama barn Owl leaned down to kiss beanie goodbye.


1.when beanie arrived at his Enchanted Forest school, he and his classmates sat down together.

2.Miss stork waved her wing and greeted them. “good morning ,class.does anyone know how Rainbows are made

3.Harry the parakeet chirped happily. “I know! they are made from the Sun and rain.”

4.“yes exactly.when the sunlight hits a raindrop the light that bounces off the raindrop makes the colors we see.”

5.Miss stork then asked, “ how many colors are there in a rainbow ?”

6.Beanie answered, “seven?”

7.Miss stork nodded. “ that's right.the colors are red, orange ,yellow, green,

Blue, indigo and violet.”


1.Miss stork looked at the class. “ if you are a color of the rainbow please sit on

this side of the room.” she added pointing to her left.

2.Cali the Cardinal, Sebastian the swallow,and Wilma the warbler proudly sat down together.

3.Beanie looked around at the brown and black birds sitting next to him on the

left side of the room.

4.How he wished he was sitting with the colorful birds!

5.But his little brown body was the color of tree branches, not a beautiful red or

yellow or green or blue.

6.He looked down and began to frown.he wasn't excited to learn about

rainbows anymore.and asked him , “what's wrong. Beanie?why are you frowning?”

7.Beanie answered sadly, “ I wish I looked like the colorful birds .I want to be a color of the rainbow, too.

8.but I am just a brown bird. “ beanie's round eyes began to fill with tears.

9.Miss stork asked, “ oh but did you know that if you mix the colors of the rainbow together, you will get more colors ?”

10.she took a paintbrush with red paint and added some green paint to it.



1.The class watched closely and were amazed to see the two colors become the color brown.

2.Beanie was so surprised to see it was the same color as him!

3.Miss stork then took all the colors of the rainbow and mixed them together to make the color black.

4.“wow”cried Cali “ that's coolbrown and black are colors of the rainbow too

5.The whole class cheered and jumped up their wings flapping up and down.

6.Miss stork laughed. “Yes, you are all a part of the rainbow!


1.I'm so glad you've enjoyed today's lesson.

2.would you like to try painting and mixing the different colors together?

3.All the birds of different colors knotted their heads.

4.When the class finished painting. they voted for their favorite picture.

5.All the birds chose beanie's picture of a beautiful rainbow.

6.This rainbow was special because it was a rainbow of nine colors.

7.Beanie pointed to the two new colors that he had added, brown and black .and Exclaimed, “ the prettiest rainbow has every color in it!”

8.And he smiled because he was very happy and proud that he was

a brown colored bird.


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