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The Mouse and the Lion 362

2023-10-8 15:55| 发布者: admin| 查看: 719| 评论: 0

摘要: .
Title: "The Mouse and the Lion"

Once upon a time, a mommy mouse was on her way to deliver food to her little mouse babies. As she scurried through the grass, she unknowingly walked right onto the head of a big, slumbering lion.

Startled awake, the lion quickly caught the mother mouse and growled, "You've disturbed my rest, and now I'm going to have you for a snack!"

Panicking, the mother mouse pleaded, "Wait, please wait, Mr. Lion! I'm just trying to feed my hungry babies. If you spare me, I promise I'll help you someday."

The lion, not particularly hungry at the moment, thought for a moment and then replied, "You're awfully small, and I'm not feeling hungry right now. Fine, you can go."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Lion. I won't forget your kindness," said the mouse.

The lion chuckled, "A little mouse helping a big lion, what a funny idea!"

Time passed, and the lion eventually woke up, feeling hungry. He began his search for food and spotted a tempting piece of meat on the ground. Overjoyed, he rushed towards it, unaware that it was a trap set by a cunning hunter.

The moment he reached for the meat, a net fell and ensnared him. The lion realized he was in deep trouble, for he knew the hunter would not spare him.

Just then, the mother mouse arrived at the scene with her babies in tow. She said, "Mr. Lion, let us help you," with determination in her tiny voice. "Come on, let's work together to free Mr. Lion by chewing through the ropes of this net."

So, they gnawed and gnawed and kept gnawing. After a while, the net finally gave way. The lion gratefully exclaimed, "Thank you very much, little mice."

But as luck would have it, the hunter was approaching. In a hurry, the lion and the mice made their escape, leaving the hunter empty-handed.

In the end, the lion learned a valuable lesson: it doesn't matter how small someone is; their kindness can be mighty. And the mother mouse and her babies proved that even the most unexpected friendships can make a world of difference.


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