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2023-10-9 15:23| 发布者: admin| 查看: 541| 评论: 0

摘要: .
"The Clever Crows
On a scorching summer day, a mother crow and her baby crows were soaring high in the sky. One of the little crows piped up, "Mom, I'm really thirsty."
The other baby crows quickly added, "Mom, we're thirsty too!"
"Alright, let's go find some water to quench our thirst," their mother replied.
Before long, they spotted a jar near a well, but it wasn't full.
"Mom, our beaks are too short to reach the water," the baby crows lamented.
Their wise mother thought for a moment and said, "Let's solve this puzzle. We'll drop some stones into the jar."
The little crows eagerly picked up stones and began placing them inside the jar. It took a little while, but soon the jar was full of stones, and then they were able to enjoy a refreshing drink from the well.
The end."

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