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The Mouse and the Lion K1双语570

2023-12-1 12:25| 发布者: 陈校长| 查看: 665| 评论: 0

摘要: ·

The Mouse and the Lion


One sunny day, a mother mouse was getting food for her little ones. 

In a nearby meadow, a big lion lay snoozing on the grass. The mother mouse didn't notice the lion and accidentally walked right over his head!


The lion woke up with a start and caught the mouse. "You disturbed my nap! I should eat you!" he roared. The mother mouse pleaded, "Please, Mr. Lion, I'm just getting food for my babies. Let me go!"


The lion, seeing how tiny she was and feeling full, said, "Alright, you can go." The grateful mouse promised, "Thank you, Mr. Lion! One day, I will help you." The lion laughed at this, thinking it was impossible for such a small creature to help him.


Time passed, and one day, the lion spotted some meat on the ground. Excited, he rushed over but found out it was a trap! He got tangled in a net and felt very sad, knowing a hunter might come for him.


Just then, the mother mouse and her babies appeared. "Mr. Lion, we'll help you," she said. Together, they gnawed at the net. Soon, the net broke, and the lion was free!


"Thank you, little mice," the lion said gratefully. As they heard the hunter approaching, the lion and the mice quickly ran to safety.


This story shows even the smallest friend can be a big helper!





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