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1 治耳聋的良药 (3分钟)

2010-12-25 08:35| 发布者: 栗萍| 查看: 15855| 评论: 3

摘要: 英语故事 怎样如何学好英语 小学生学英语 网上英语培训 英语阅读 提高英语成绩 英语专家讲座


A Wonderful Medicine for Hearing Problem


Mr. Green had a hearing problem.
He went to see a doctor.
He told the doctor that he could not hear even his cough.
So the doctor gave him a prescription.
He asked Mr. Green to take the medicine for 7 days.
He also asked him to return for a check up seven days later.
Seven days passed.
Mr. Green went to see his doctor again.
He thanked the doctor.
He said that he could hear his cough now..
He asked his doctor what made him hear better..
The doctor said that the medicine had increased his cough.


Mr. Green can not hear well.
He goes to a doctor.
I can’t hear well!
I can’t hear even my cough!
This is what he says loudly.
The doctor gives him some medicine.
Take the medicine for seven days!
The doctor yells to him.
Seven days have passed.
Mr. Green comes to the doctor again.
He comes to thank the doctor.
“Now I can hear my cough!”
He says loudly to the doctor.
“How do you do that?”
He asks the doctor.
The doctor says loudly to him.
“The medicine makes your cough louder!
That is why you can hear your cough!”



刚表态过的朋友 (191 人)



引用 曹辰12 2020-6-18 21:33
? ? ? ? ?
引用 高子涵1 2018-6-13 09:16
Mr. Green had a hearing problem.
He went to see a doctor.
He told the doctor that he could not hear even his cough.
So the doctor gave him a prescription.
He asked Mr. Green to take the medicine for 7 days.
He also asked him to return for a check up seven days later.
Seven days passed.
Mr. Green went to see his doctor again.
He thanked the doctor.
He said that he could hear his cough now..
He asked his doctor what made him hear better..
The doctor said that the medicine had increased his cough.
引用 杨诺 2013-3-16 19:43


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