
第六课~第十课 (5分钟)

2011-2-27 14:28| 发布者: 栗萍| 查看: 3040| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Lesson Six(第六课)
A: What do you do with your nose?
B: I smell with my nose.
A: What do you do with your mouth?
B: I eat with my mouth.
A: Can you help me?
B: Sure!
A: Thank you very much.
B: It's my pleasure.
Lesson Seven(第七课)
A: Do you like to drink tea?
B: No, I don't.
A:Does your father like to drink tea?
B:Yes, he does. He drinks tea everyday.
Lesson Eight(第八课)
A: What does your father do?
B: He is an engineer.
A:What does your mother do?
B:She is a doctor.
A:What does your sister do?
B: She is a student.
Lesson Nine(第九课)
A: How many fingers do you have?
B: I have ten fingers.
A: How many toes does he have?
B: He has ten toes.
Lesson Ten(第十课)
A:What were the little monkeys doing?
B:They were jumping on the bed.
A:What happened to one?
B:He fell off and bumped his head.
A:What did mama do?
B:She called the doctor.
A:What did the doctor say?
B:He said:“ No more little monkeys jumping on that bed.”


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