
第十章 特殊的俘虏 (10分钟)

2010-12-22 16:19| 发布者: 张帅| 查看: 7318| 评论: 0

摘要: 少儿英语 英语培训 英语教学 英语家教 英文小说

Chapter Ten

Special Prisoners




1One day Friday went to the shore to catch a turtle. 

2Suddenly I saw him running back very fast. 

3I could see that he was very afraid. 

4He panted, 'Master, there are some men on the beach, they have three prisoners.  

5I was sure that they were going to eat the prisoners. 

6I was very angry and decided to save them. 


1We got all the guns ready very quickly and hurried to the woods near the beach. 

2We hid behind the trees not far from the men. 

3There were about 20 wild men and they had five canoes. 

4They had killed one of the prisoners and the other two were lying on the beach. 


1Just then two men walked to the prisoners. 

2They had knives in their hands. 

3Before they raised their hands we fired at them. 

4The loud noise and the death of the two men horrified all the other wild men. 

5They stood up but they did not move. 

6Quickly we fired the second time and two other men fell down dead. 


1Suddenly, one of them ran to the canoe and the others followed. 

2The wild men got in to three of the canoes and rowed away as fast as they could. 

3We did not get out of the woods until we could see them no longer. 

4We went over to the prisoners. 


1When we were near themI was very surprised to find that one of them was a white man. 

2I hurried to untie the white man and Friday went to untie the other. 

3He told me that he was a Spanish. 

4I was about to ask him more questions, then suddenly Friday cried and happily laughed and kissed the prisoner's face again and again. 

5Several minutes later, I learnt that the man was his father! 


1We buried the wild men's bodies and took the prisoners home. 

2You could imagine how excited I was and how happy Friday was. 

3We treated them to our best food. 

4I talked to the white man in Spanish. 

5He told me that his ship had sunk in a storm and that 17 Spaniards had sailed to a land in small boats several years before.  

6There were two local tribes there, and they became friends with one, which Friday's father belonged to. 

7The two tribes often fought each other and they had the habit of eating prisoners. 


1They stayed on my island for several months and they all looked to me as their master. 

2We had plenty of food and lived happily. 

3While he was enjoying a good life on the island, the Spaniard told me that the other Spaniards lived a bad life. 

4They did not have enough to eat. 

5Then I decided to send them back to contact the other Spaniards. 

6I wanted them to come and live on my island. 

7We got a canoe ready for them and they left.Dialogue. 



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