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1 猫和兔子 (7/520)(列表播放)

2022-1-24 09:12| 发布者: admin| 查看: 14482| 评论: 0

摘要: ,


The cat and the rabbit


1.The cat likes to eat fish.

2.But the cat does not have a fish.

3.The cat has a carrot.

4.But the cat does not eat carrot.

5.The rabbit likes to eat carrot.

6.But the rabbit does not have a carrot.

7.The rabbit has a fish.

8.But the rabbit does not eat fish.

9.The cat says to the rabbit.

10.I like to eat fish.

11.But I do not have a fish.


1.I have a carrot.

2.But I do not eat carrot.

3.You like to eat carrot.

4.But you do not have a carrot.

5.You have a fish.

6.But you do not eat fish.

7.You eat my carrot.

8.I eat your fish.

9.The rabbit says to the cat.

10.I like to eat carrot.

11.But I do not have a carrot.


1.I have a fish.

2.But I do not eat fish.

3.You like to eat fish.

4.But you do not have a fish.

5.You have a carrot.

6.But you do not eat carrot.

7.You eat my fish.

8.I eat your carrot.

9.The cat says OK

10.The rabbit says OK

11.They all say OK


1.The cat gives the carrot to the rabbit.

2.The rabbit gives the fish to the cat.

3.The cat thanks the rabbit.

4.The cat eats the fish.

5.The rabbit thanks the cat.

6.The rabbit eats the carrot.

7.The cat is happy

8.The rabbit is happy

9.They are all happy.



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