
第十二章 回到英国 (4分钟)

2011-3-3 14:50| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3232| 评论: 0

摘要: 少儿英语 英语培训 英语教学 英语家教 英文小说

Chapter Twelve

Back to England




1I went back to the city of York. 

2My parents were dead and I found two sons of my brothers. 

3They had all got married and had their own families. 

4Since everyone had thought I was dead, no money and estate had been left for me. 

5Still I was very pleased to find some family. 

6I lived on the money I had taken back from my ship. 


1The captain I had saved told the owner of the ship what had happened. 

2He was very grateful to me and gave me some money. 

3A few months later, I got to Lisbon in Portugal. 

4There I found the captain who had saved me and taken me to Brazil. 

5He was very old now, and his son had become a captain. 

6With his help, I sold my plantation in Brazil and got a big sum of money. 


1I decided to go back to England but I did not want to take a ship again.  

2We had to cross the mountains between Spain and France. 

3It was winter and the snow was deep everywhere. 

4Poor Friday had never seen snow before, he did not like cold weather. 

5On the way we had to fight wolves and bears. 

6It was a long and hard trip which was full of adventures. 


1Finally I settled down in England. 

2The widow of the captain who had done business with me in Guinea lived a poor life. 

3I gave her some money so that she could live a good life and we became life-long friends. 

4My two nephews lived with me. 

5The younger one became a captain later. 

6I got married and had two sons and one daughter. 

7Then my wife died, and I asked my nephew to take me back to my island. 

8I wanted to take a walk on the land where I had lived for 28 years! 



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