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浪漫的电影 A Romantic Movie

2022-7-13 15:13| 发布者: admin| 查看: 439| 评论: 0

摘要: `


1.Last summer,my uncle went to the cinema.

2.He had a very good time,even though the movie was boring, for a beautiful girl was sitting beside him.

3.My uncle tried to start a conversation with her and he succeded, so they talked happily, which made the man sitting in front of them unhappy.

4.He turned around and looked at them angrily, but they did not pay any attention to him, and went on with their conversation.

5.Being unable to bear their talk, the man turned around again, rudly asking them to stop.

6.After keeping quiet for a while, they decied to leave the cinema.

7.The girl is now my aunt, who is going to have a baby next month(who is pregnant to have a baby next month).

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