A Hero Like You A 1.Is someone a hero because they're strong or smart? 2.Or is it more about what's inside a person's heart? 3.Let's take a look inside this book and see what heroes do. 4.You may find a hero can be someone just like you. B 1.Heroes care for people, and make sure they're okay. 2.They help the sick get well again, assisting night and day. 3.Heroes are like firefighters, strong and very brave. 4.They risk their lives if there are any people they can save. 5.Heroes care for nature and every living thing. 6.As they work to help the earth they hear creation sing. 7.Heroes are our loyal friends, honorable and brave. 8.They fight for truth and do what's right ,even when afraid. C 1.Always alert and ready, heroes just know what to do. 2.If someone is in danger, they will race to their rescue. 3.Heroes always do their best to help someone in need. 4.They think of others feelings and don't act for selfish greed. 5.Heroes take a stand against the things they know are wrong. 6.They fight for justice and protect because their hearts are strong. 7.Heroes can fix broken things . 8.They like to make things better. 9.They use the talents that they have. 10.They're helpful and they're clever. D 1.Heroes work hard at their jobs and always do their best,not just to meet their own needs but so others can be blessed. 2.Heroes find solutions to the problems that we face. 3.They even invent ways to make the world a better place. 4.Heroes are those moms and dads who love their family,teaching and empowering them to be all they can be. 5.Anyone can be a hero ,whether woman, child,or man, by helping others ,doing right,and being the best they can . 6.So, if you see a problem and there's something you can do, then know that what the world needs is a hero just like you. (325words)
像你这样的英雄 A 1.一个人成为英雄是因为他强壮或聪明? 2.还是更取决于一个人的内心? 3.让我们走进这本书,看看英雄都做了些什么。 4.你可能会发现英雄就在你身边。 B 1.英雄关心他人,确保他们安然无恙。 2.他们帮助病人康复,夜以继日地提供帮助。 3.英雄就像消防员,坚强勇敢。 4.他们冒着生命危险救人。 5.英雄关爱自然和万物。 6.当他们努力帮助地球时,他们会听到造物的歌唱。 7.英雄是我们忠诚的朋友,可敬而勇敢。 8.他们为真理而战,即使害怕也要做正确的事。 C 1.他们时刻保持警惕,时刻准备着,他们知道该做什么。 2.如果有人遇到危险,他们会飞奔过去营救。 3.英雄总是尽力帮助需要帮助的人。 4.他们会考虑他人的感受,不会为了一己贪欲而行动。 5.英雄明知是错的,也会站出来反对。 6.他们为正义而战,保护他人,因为他们内心强大。 7.英雄能修复破损的事物。 8.他们喜欢让事情变得更好。 9.他们发挥自己的才能。 10.他们乐于助人、聪明机智。 D 1.英雄们努力工作,总是竭尽全力,不仅仅是为了满足自己的需要,也是为了让他人得到祝福。 2.英雄为我们面临的问题找到解决方案。 3.他们甚至发明了让世界变得更美好的方法。 4.英雄是那些爱家人的爸爸妈妈,他们教导孩子,让他们尽展所长。 5.任何人都可以成为英雄,不管是女人、孩子还是男人,只要帮助他人,做正确的事,做最好的自己。 6.所以,如果你看到一个问题,而你又能做些什么,那么你要知道,这个世界需要的就是像你这样的英雄。 (591字) |
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