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It will be okay(377words)

2024-3-19 10:08| 发布者: admin| 查看: 176| 评论: 0

摘要: .

It will be okay

Every afternoon, giraffe and zebra walked to the watering hole together, but today, giraffe couldn't go, he would have to tell zebra.


“um, zebra,” giraffe called to his friend.

Zebra twisted this way and that ,but he could not find giraffe.

Up here,” giraffe side.

Zebra looked up, up, up. Finally, he spotted giraffe, who was sitting in a tree,

holding on for dear life.

“what are you doing? zebra asked.


“I saw a spider, giraffe whispered.

“but you're bigger than a spider”,said zebra.

“Your eyelashes are longer than its legs.

“I am scared,” his voice soft.

“ it might crawl up my hoof.


but you're stronger than the spider, said zebra.

you're as solid as Stone and he's as wispy as the Wind.


“I am worried. giraffe's voice shook like his knees. “it might chase me.

“but you are faster than the spider.” said zebra . you leave him in the dust before he took a single stride come down from there.

Giraffe shook his head.

Zebra sided. “Its just a tiny spider.

Giraffe understood zebra's frustration.it did seem kind of silly being afraid of something so small.

But no matter, he was scared.

he was worried.

he was embarrassed.


Giraffe expected zebra to leave.

but zebra waited. 

and waited some more.

as the sun dipped down in the sky,Giraffes search for the spider, he didn't see it anywhere.


Giraffe was nervous about getting down. but his heart told him it was time.

so little by little ,leg by leg, giraffe unwrapped himself from the tree.

“thank you for staying by my side,” giraffe said.

“ even if it seems silly.

“it's not silly if it bothered you.

“I’m always here for you.” zebra smiled.

“let's go to the watering hole.

Suddenly, giraffe stopped.

There was a spider, walking all alone.

Giraffe looked at the spider.


then he looked at zebra.

with his friend beside him giraffe felt brave.

He bent his long neck down to the ground.

“spider, would you like to join--

but before giraffe could finish his question.

the spiders scattered right up the very same tree.


“He's scared of you now?” zebra said.

“That 's so silly!

“not at all,” giraffe said.

Then he stood by. 

And waited.





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