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2024-4-28 11:28| 发布者: admin| 查看: 153| 评论: 0

摘要: .

I see winter


I see snowflakes passing by.

I see gray geese in the sky.

I see shadows on the hill.

I see frost upon the sill.


I see boots and hats brand new.

I see mittens red and blue.

I see sleds and pairs of skates.

I see icy figure eights.


I see snowmen in a row.

I see angels in the snow.

I see trees without their leaves.

I see smoke rings ride the breeze.


I see cookies on a plate.

I see Grandma decorate .

I see cocoa in a cup.

I see Grandpa sip it up.



I see people in a choir.

I see stockings by the fire.

I see lights upon the tree .

I see a present wrapped for me.


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