双语录音学习方法: 1、本章英语文字量1550字,双语文字量3100字,每听读一分钟文字量按140字计算,请根据实际自己计算读书量。 2、看着书听双语录音指读并给每一次翻译编号。 (请联系老师索取书籍或打印文本) 第二章 消失的玻璃 Chapter 2 The Vanishing Glass 几乎十年过去了,自从德思礼一家在自家门口发现哈利·波特以来。达力不再是婴儿了。他现在是一个几乎十一岁的金发大块头男孩。 Almost ten years have passed since the Dursleys discovered Harry Potter at their front door. Dudley is no longer a baby. He is now a large, blonde boy of almost eleven. 在德思礼家里,哈利几乎像是不存在一样。任何地方都没有他的照片。但哈利·波特仍然在那里。 In the Dursley house, it is almost like Harry doesn't... does not exist. There are no photos of him anywhere. But Harry Potter is still there. 起来,起来,起来!醒醒!现在,快点儿!哈利突然醒来。是他的姨妈在尖叫。她敲着门。 Up, up, up! Wake up! Now, let's go! Harry wakes up suddenly. It is his aunt, screaming. She knocks on the door. 起来!她喊道。哈利醒来,试图回忆起他做的梦。那是个好梦。梦里有一辆会飞的摩托车。他觉得自己以前做过很多次同样的梦。 Up! she yells. Harry wakes up and tries to remember the dream he has had. It is a good dream. There is a flying motorcycle in his dream. He thinks he has had the same dream many times before. |
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