9、正确认识广告The right
understanding of advertising 无处不在的广告Ubiquitous
advertising 当电视走进千家万户时,电视广告也随之而来,小到饮料、玩具、鞋子,大到汽车、房子等都在做广告。除了在电视上,我们还能在哪里看到或听到广告呢? When TV comes into millions of homes, TV commercials come along with
it, from small drinks, toys, shoes, to big cars and houses. Besides TV, where
else can we see or hear advertisements? 这么多的广告扑面而来,你有什么感受呢? How do you feel when so many advertisements come to your face?
广告在生活中还有很多隐藏的形式,你知道吗? Do you know that there are many
hidden forms of advertising in life?
在大型活动中,主办方给来宾赠送某品牌饮料。In a large
event, the organizer gives a brand of drink to the guests. 在体育项目中,某厂家为关注度很高的篮球赛冠名。In a
sports event, a manufacturer gives its name to a basketball game with a lot of
attention. 在电影中,大牌明星反复使用某种商品。In a movie, a
big name star repeatedly uses a certain product.
在我们的生活中,广告无处不在,你能否做到一天不见广告呢? In our life, advertising is everywhere, can you do a day without
advertising? 余强决定亲自做一个实验。在某个周末,他决定整天都呆在家里不出门。Yu
Qiang decided to do an experiment himself. On one weekend, he decided to stay
at home all day.他还要求爸爸妈妈既不打开电视和广播,也不打开电脑和手机。吃饭也只吃爸爸妈妈做的东西。He also asked his mom and dad not to turn on the TV and radio, nor
the computer and cell phone. He only eats what his mom and dad cook. 请发挥你的想象,余强能成功吗? Please use your imagination, can
Yu Qiang succeed?
知识窗Knowledge Window 广告有多种,比如商业广告、公益广告等。There are various kinds of advertisements, such as commercial advertisements
and public service advertisements.我们这里所说的广告是指商业广告,人们做这种广告就是为了提高产品知名度,为了卖出更多的产品。By advertising, we mean
commercial advertising, which people do in order to increase product awareness
and sell more products消费者也可以通过广告了解产品,以满足自己的需求。. Consumers can also learn about products through advertisements to
meet their needs而今,科技发达了,有了更多的传播技术支持,广告更是无孔不人,无所不包,无奇不有。Nowadays, technology has been developed, and with more technical
support for communication, advertising is more pervasive, all-embracing, and
广告的制作和宣传是需要费用的。The production
and promotion of advertising is costly.就拿电视广告来说,广告的费用从几万到几十万不等,有的厂家甚至拿出高达数亿的费用做广告。Take TV
commercials, the cost of advertising ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds
of thousands, and some manufacturers even take out hundreds of millions of
dollars to advertise.为什么有那么多商家要做广告呢?让我们先听听“广告先生”对自己功能的介绍吧! Why are there so many businesses to advertise? Let's listen to
"Mr. Ad" on their own function of the introduction it! 大家好,我是广告先生。你是不是很想知道我的功能呢? Hello, I'm Mr. Ad. Are you curious to know my function? 传递信息Delivering
information 人们通过我可以了解商品的基本信息,如功能、价格、特点和产地等。Through me, people can learn
basic information about the product, such as function, price, features and
origin, etc. 提高知名度 Raise awareness 通过我可以提高产品知名度,让人们熟悉、喜欢它。Through me, I can raise the
awareness of the product and make people familiar with it and like it. 劝说购买Persuade to buy 我可以让那些原本不想买的人,产生购买的欲望。 I can make people who do not want to buy a product want to buy it. 请以实例说说你对广告的认识吧! Please tell us what you know about advertising with examples!
广告都可信吗Are all advertisements credible? 广告有劝说购买的功能,为了达到让人购买的目的,很多广告都会把商品 夸得十全十美,好像你不买就吃亏了。 Advertisements have the function of persuading people to buy, and in order to achieve the purpose of making people buy, many advertisements will make the product perfect, as if you do not buy or lose. 小调查Small survey 你在广告的宣传下买过东西吗?你对广告的感受是怎样的呢? Have you ever bought something under the propaganda of advertisement? How do you feel about advertisements? 1.你对广告的看法是? What is your opinion about advertising? 口非常讨厌very annoying口讨厌annoying口无所谓indifferent口喜欢 like口非常喜欢like very much 2.你喜欢广告中的什么? What do you like in the advertisement? 口画面好看Good pictures,口音乐好听good music口故事有意思 interesting stories口里面说的话有意思interesting words口有我喜欢 的明星interesting stars I like口广告教我知识ads that teach me knowledg口有我没见过的产品products I have never seen口没有什么 让我喜欢nothing I like 3.你相信广告吗? Do you believe in advertising? 口完全相信I fully believe in it口大部分相信, most of them believe in it口小部分相信a small part of them believe in it口说不好not sure口不相信I don't believe in it. 4.你如何判断广告宣传的真假?(可多选) How do you judge the truth or falsity of the advertisement? (Multiple choice) 口靠自己的感觉Rely on your own feeling口看产品名气look at the product fame口看广告,也要看产品本身look at the product itself 口看广告里是否有明星Look at whether there are stars in the advertisement.口看广告里是否有专家Look at whether there are experts in the advertisement. 口听听别人的购买经验Listen to other people's buying experience 通过调查,你觉得广告对你有什么影响?你买的东西和广告宣传有差距吗? 与大家分享你的经历。Through the survey, what influence do you think the advertisement has on you? Is there a gap between what you bought and what was advertised? Share your experience with everyone.
广告的内容不一定都可信,虚假广告就更不可信了虚假广告要么是推销假冒、劣质商品,要么是直接骗取消费者的钱财,这往往会造成严重的后果。The content of advertisements is not always credible, and false
advertisements are even less credible. False advertisements either promote
counterfeit or inferior goods, or directly cheat consumers out of their money,
which often has serious consequences. 小讨论Small discussion 广告里说,学习不好是由于记忆力不好,所以要使用增加记忆力的某某学习枕。你认为呢? The advertisement says that poor learning is due to poor memory,
so you should use a certain learning pillow that increases memory. What do you
think? 广告中大明星都说了,能不让人相信吗? The star in the ad says it, so can't people believe it? 班里某某同学买了后说记忆力是比原来好些,所以我相信啊! A certain student in the class bought it and said that
memory is better than the original, so I believe ah! 骗人的,我才不相信,广告夸大其词,提高学习成绩要靠努力啊!
I don't believe it, the ad is exaggerated, you have to
work hard to improve your academic performance! 我想让爸爸妈妈买来试一试,看实际效果再说I want my mom
and dad to buy it and try it out to see the actual results。 你还听说过哪些虚假广告? What other false advertisements have you heard of? 案例一Case 1 某学习机广告被工商部门认定为典型的虚假广告。A study machine
advertisement was recognized by the industry and commerce department as a
typical false advertisement.这则电视广告中含有“门门高分上名校”“内容好,成绩当然好”等不科学的保证。 The TV commercial contained unscientific
guarantees such as "high scores in prestigious schools" and
"good content, good results". 此外,广告中关于“某学生使用产品后成为学习状元”的内容,其真实性无法证实,构成虚假宣传,被处罚款五万多元。In addition, the truthfulness of
the advertisement about "a student becoming a top student after using the
product" could not be confirmed, which constituted false propaganda and
was fined more than 50,000 yuan.
案例二Case 2 因虚假广告罪,被告人张某和李某被判刑。The defendants,
Zhang and Li, were sentenced for false advertising. 两人没有行医资格,却常年在医疗行业活动,编造出能根治某种疾病的“神话”,并大做虚假广告。 The two men were not qualified to practice medicine, but they had been
in the medical industry for years, making up "myths" that they could
cure certain diseases, and making false advertisements.不少患者受广告蒙蔽接受治疗,不仅病情没有好转,反而出现新问题,饱受痛苦。Many patients were deceived
by the advertisements and received treatment, and not only did their conditions
not improve, but new problems emerged and they suffered. 对消费者: To consumers: 1.误导消费者,造成不必要的损失。mislead consumers and cause
unnecessary losses. 2 . 虚假广告有哪些危害呢?你能从这些案例中总结一下吗? What are the
dangers of false advertising? Can you summarize from these cases? 对商家: For businessmen: 1.破坏了自身的良好形象。Destroying their
own good image. 2.
知识窗Knowledge Window 广告不得含有虚假或者引人误解的内容,不得欺骗、误导消费者。Advertisements shall not
contain false or misleading content, and shall not deceive or mislead
consumers.广告主应当对广告内容的真实性负责。The advertiser
shall be responsible for the truthfulness of the content of the advertisement. 《中华人民共和国广告法》第四条 Article 4 of the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China
学会识别广告Learn to
recognize advertisements 我们要学会识别广告,不被广告牵着走。要想摆脱广告的控制,就需要了解广告的“秘密招数”。 We need to learn to
recognize advertisements and not be led by them. To get rid of the control of
advertising, you need to understand the "secret tricks" of
好营养,好吸收! Good nutrition,
good absorption! 简单重复Simple repetition 广告常用的招数有不断地重复,目的是想加深你对商品的印象。 A common tactic of advertising is to repeat itself over and over again,
in order to deepen your impression of the product. 名人代言Celebrity
endorsement 名人代言也是广告常用的招数之一,目的是想借助名人的超高人气增加商品的吸引力。Celebrity
endorsement is also one of the common advertising tricks to increase the
attractiveness of the product with the popularity of the celebrity. 利用贪便宜心理Exploitation of
cheapness 利用贪便宜心理是一个非常有效的广告招数,这样的广告常常打着“打折”“买一送一”“清仓大甩卖”的旗号。Exploiting the
psychology of cheapness is a very effective advertising tactic, and such
advertisements are often under the banner of "discount", "buy
one get one free" and "clearance sale". 利用从众心理Use of crowd
psychology 利用从众心理也很容易激发人们的购买欲望。比如广告常常告诉你,多数人都买了,如果你不买,你就要落伍了The use of herd mentality is
also easy to stimulate people's desire to buy. For example, advertisements
often tell you that most people have bought, if you do not buy, you will be
left behind! 你能想出破解这些“秘密招数”的方法吗? Can you think of a way to break these "secret tricks"?
面对广告的猛烈攻势,我们要善于识别广告,做聪明的消费者。In the face of the onslaught of advertising, we must be good at recognizing ads and be smart consumers. 知识窗Knowledge Window “彩色蘑菇”的诱惑"The lure of "colored mushrooms 现在,不少电视台开设了少儿频道。Nowadays, many TV stations have set up children's channels.在这些频道中除了播放动画片以外,还播放各 种儿童产品的电视广告,例如玩具、零食、光碟等。这些针对儿童的广告 就像彩色蘑菇一样引人注目。 In these channels, in addition to cartoons, they also broadcast TV commercials for various children's products, such as toys, snacks, CDs, and so on. These advertisements for children are as eye-catching as colorful mushrooms.不少孩子抵御不了这类广告的诱 惑,要求父母为自己买广告产品,甚至自己打电话购买。Many children cannot resist the temptation of such advertisements and ask their parents to buy the advertised products for them, or even make phone calls to buy them themselves. 低龄儿童对电视节目抵抗能力比较弱,会轻易地相信广告里所说的一切内容, 进而纠缠父母购买。Younger children are less resistant to TV programs and will easily believe everything that is said in the ads, and then pester their parents to buy them商家之所以如此看重面 向儿童的广告宣传,目的在于从小就牢牢抓住孩子的心。. The reason why businesses place so much emphasis on advertising for children is to hold on to their hearts from an early age.这不是一种满足孩子正常 需求的行为,而是一种创造孩子消费欲望的商业策略。This is not an act to meet the normal needs of children, but a business strategy to create the desire of children to consume. 让我们拥有慧眼、聪耳,不被“彩色蘑菇”一样的商业广告所诱惑。Let's have the eyes and ears not to be seduced by "colored mushrooms" like commercials. 你有什么好办法帮助小朋友们抵御“彩色蘑菇”的诱惑? What are your best ways to help children resist the lure of "colored mushrooms"? 1.请父母帮助判断。1. Ask parents to help judge. 2.同类商品作比较。2. Compare similar products. 3.根据实际需要购买。3. Buy according to actual needs. |
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