7 中华民族一家亲 A
family of the Chinese nation 中华民族大家庭 The great family of the Chinese nation 中华人民共和国是全国各族人民共同缔造的统一的多民族国家。 The people's Republic of China is a unified
multi-ethnic country created by the people of all ethnic groups. 在辽阔美丽的国土上,共同生活着56个民族,组成了中华民族大家庭。 In the vast and beautiful territory, 56 nationalities
live together, forming the great family of the Chinese nation. 根据2010年第六次全国人口普查数据,我国总人口已达13.7亿。 According to the data of the sixth national census in
2010, China's total population has reached 1.37 billion. 其中,汉族人口最多,其他55个民族因人口数量相对较少,习惯称为“少数民族”。 Among them, the Han nationality has the largest
population, and the other 55 ethnic groups are traditionally called
"ethnic minorities" because of their relatively small population. 汉族人口与少数民族人口占全国人口总数的比例 The proportion of Han population and minority
population in the total population of China 我们班里有汉族、回族、蒙古族和藏族的同学。 There are Han, Hui, Mongolian and Tibetan students in
our class. 我们小区有傣族、满族和壮族的居民,邻居家的阿姨是朝鲜族。 There are Dai, Manchu and Zhuang residents in our
community, and the neighbor's aunt is Korean. 查找资料,说说中国的少数民族主要分布在哪些地区。 Look up the information and tell us where the ethnic
minorities are mainly distributed in China. 在中华民族大家庭中,各民族分布呈现大杂居小聚居相互交错的特点。 In the big family of the Chinese nation, the
distribution of all ethnic groups presents the characteristics of large mixed
living and small concentrated living. 随着我国经济社会的发展,各地区、各民族的人口流动更加频繁,促进了相互间的交往交流交融。 With the development of China's economy and society,
the population flow of various regions and nationalities is more frequent,
which promotes the mutual exchanges. 活动园 Activity Park 阅读资料,从数字的变化中,你有什么发现? Reading materials, what do you find from the change of
numbers? 根据人口普查数据,1982年,有18个少数民族在全国省级行政区域均有分布。 According to the census data, in 1982, 18 ethnic
minorities were distributed in the provincial administrative regions of the
country. 这一数量在1990年、2000年、2010年分别增加到22个、28个、43个。 This number increased to 22 in 1990, 28 in 2000 and 43
in 2010. 2000年,民族成分齐全的省级行政区域有11个;2010年,这一数量增加到20个。 In 2000, there were 11 provincial administrative
regions with complete ethnic composition; In 2010, the number increased to 20. 我发观人口流越来越繁了,这带来的是—— I think the population flow is more and more
complicated, which brings us a lot of problems—— 在省行政区域均有分布的少数民族 Ethnic minorities are distributed in all
administrative regions of the province 我发现—— I found out—— 民族成分齐全的省行区域 Provinces with complete ethnic composition 我国各民族汇聚为一个大家庭,形成了平等团结互助和谐的社会主义新型民族关系。 All ethnic groups in our country gather into a big
family, forming a new socialist ethnic relationship of equality, unity, mutual
assistance and harmony. 相关链接 Related links 《中华人民共和国宪法》第四条规定:“中华人民共和国各民族一律平等国家保障各少数民族的会法的权利和利益,维护和发展各民族的平等团结互助和谐关系。 Article 4 of the constitution of the people's Republic
of China stipulates: "all ethnic groups in the people's Republic of China
are equal. The state protects the rights and interests of all ethnic minorities
in the society and law, and maintains and develops the equal, solidarity,
mutual assistance and harmonious relationship among all ethnic groups. 禁止对任何民族的视和压,禁止硬坏民族团结和制造民族分裂的行为,各民族谁也离不开谁。 It is forbidden to look down upon and oppress any
ethnic group, and it is forbidden to undermine ethnic unity and create ethnic
division. No ethnic group can do without anyone. 我国各民族在分布上相互交错,文化上兼收并蓄,经济上相互依存,情感上相互亲近,形成了你中有我、我中有你、谁也离不开谁的格局。 China's ethnic groups are intertwined in distribution,
culturally inclusive, economically interdependent and emotionally close to each
other, forming a pattern that you have me, I have you, and no one can do
without who. 活动园 Activity Park 茶马古道 Ancient tea horse road 茶马古道是指存在于中国西南地区,以茶叶等生活用品为主要商品,以马作为主要运输工具的商贸通道。 The ancient tea horse road is a trade channel existing
in Southwest China, with tea and other daily necessities as the main
commodities and horses as the main means of transportation. 茶马古道源于古代西南边疆的茶马互市(内地汉族地区的茶和边疆少数民族地区的马互换)。 The ancient tea horse road originated from the tea
horse market in the southwest frontier in ancient times. 历史上,马帮沿着坎坷崎岖的驿道,源源不断地为藏区驮去茶、糖、盐等生活必需品,再从藏区换回马匹、牛羊和皮毛等内地汉族人民需要的物品。 Historically, along the bumpy and bumpy post road, the
horse Gang continuously carried tea, sugar, salt and other necessities for the
Tibetan areas, and then exchanged horses, cattle, sheep, fur and other goods
needed by the Han people in the mainland from the Tibetan areas. 除了促进经济上的交流,茶马古道还促进了各民族在文化上的不断交融。 In addition to promoting economic exchanges, the
ancient tea horse road has also promoted the continuous cultural integration of
all ethnic groups. 比如,傣族的凤尾竹传到西藏地区,使得藏族乐器弦子的旋律中也透出了凤尾竹的韵味。 For example, the Dai's Fengwei bamboo was introduced
to Tibet, making the melody of Tibetan musical instrument string also reveal
the charm of Fengwei bamboo. 作为西南地区的重要通道,茶马古道推动了我国西南边疆经济和文化的发展。 As
an important channel in Southwest China, the ancient tea horse road has
promoted the economic and cultural development in Southwest China. 促进了各民族之间的交流与合作,维护了边疆的政治稳定和民族团结。 It
has promoted exchanges and cooperation among all ethnic groups, and maintained
political stability and national unity in the border areas. 茶马司遗址 Tea
marsh site 四川省雅安市名山区地处四川盆地与青藏高原接合部,是茶马古道起点之一。 Mingshan District, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province is
located at the junction of Sichuan Basin and Qinghai Tibet Plateau, which is
one of the starting points of the ancient tea horse road. 这里有古代管理茶马交易的机构茶马司的遗址。 Here is the site of the tea horse company, an ancient
organization for the management of tea horse trade. 上述资料中反映文化交融的事例是什么? What are the examples of cultural blending reflected
in the above materials? 尝试说一则历史上或当前生活中民族交往交流交融的事例。 Try to say an example of ethnic communication in
history or current life. 在奠定祖国疆域、开发祖国山河和维护领土完整的事业中,各民族都作出了重要贡献,谱写了中国历史的辉煌篇章。 我们伟大祖国是统一的多民族国家。 In the course of establishing the territory of the
motherland, developing the mountains and rivers of the motherland and safeguarding
the territorial integrity, all ethnic groups have made important contributions
and composed a brilliant chapter in Chinese history.Our great motherland is a
unified multi-ethnic country. 我通过查阅资料了解到,历史上,江南地区的开发是汉族和少数民族共同努力奋斗的结果。 Through consulting materials, I learned that in
history, the development of the Jiangnan region was the result of the joint
efforts of the Han and ethnic minorities. 在今年学校举办的抗日战争图片展中,我看到来自不同民族的抗日英雄的事迹。 In this year's Anti Japanese War photo exhibition, I
saw the deeds of Anti Japanese heroes from different nationalities. 各民族在长期的历史发展中,形成了一种相互依存的密切联系,我国经济今天取得的成就是各民族共同努力的结果。 In the long-term historical development, all ethnic
groups have formed a close relationship of interdependence. China's economic
achievements today are the result of the joint efforts of all ethnic groups. 汉朝时,中原的丝绸就已经沿着丝绸之路传播到西北边疆地区。 During the Han Dynasty, the silk of the Central Plains
had already spread to the northwest frontier along the silk road. 棉花、芝麻、大蒜是由古代边疆地区的少数民族传入内地的。 Cotton, sesame and garlic were introduced into the
mainland by the ethnic minorities in ancient frontier areas. 请查阅资料,了解西瓜、黄瓜、核桃、葡萄、胡萝卜等瓜果,蔬菜在我国历史上是怎样传播开的。 Please refer to the information about how watermelon,
cucumber, walnut, grape, carrot and other fruits and vegetables spread in the
history of our country. 在长期实践和不断交往中,各民族相互借鉴相互欣赏相互促进共同创造了光辉灿烂的中华文化。 In the long-term practice and continuous exchanges,
all ethnic groups learn from each other, appreciate each other, promote each
other, and jointly create a splendid Chinese culture. 相关链接 Related links 我国文学中既有大量反映少数民族生产生活的作品,也有大量少数民族作者的创作。 There are not only a large number of works reflecting
the production and life of ethnic minorities, but also a large number of works
of ethnic minority writers in Chinese literature. 例如,《诗经》是我国古代各地区各民族民歌的汇总:楚辞中有相当一部分是记录或者整理少数民族仪式歌、民歌的作品,元曲的繁荣有着少数民族多方面的贡献;我国文学史上的不朽名著《红楼梦》,在一定程度上反映了满族的社会生活;源自少数民族的“三大英雄史诗”《格萨尔王传》《玛纳斯》《江格尔》,也是中华文化的优秀代表。 For example, the book of songs is a collection of folk
songs of various ethnic groups in ancient China: a considerable part of Chu Ci
records or arranges the works of ritual songs and folk songs of ethnic
minorities, and the prosperity of Yuan opera has contributed to many aspects of
ethnic minorities; The immortal masterpiece a dream of Red Mansions in the
history of Chinese literature reflects the social life of Manchu to a certain
extent; The "three Heroic Epics" originated from ethnic minorities,
such as the biography of King Gesar, Manas and jianger, are also outstanding
representatives of Chinese culture. 活动园 Activity Park 下面是一些同学查找到的各民族对中华文化贡献的事例,你还能举出其他的事例吗? Here are some examples of the contribution of
different nationalities to Chinese culture found by some students. Can you give
any other examples? 现在我们用的“胡同”这个名称来源于蒙古族。 Now we use the name "Hutong" from the
Mongolian. 现在的旗袍来源于满族,已成为多民族妇女喜欢的服装。 Today's cheongsam originated from Manchu, and has
become a favorite clothing for multi-ethnic women. 我知道的少数民族乐器有哈萨克族的冬不拉、苗族的芦笙。 The minority musical instruments I know include
Dongbula of Kazak and Lusheng of Miao. 它们的声音真好听。 They sound so good. 唐朝诗人王建有诗句“城头山鸡鸣角角,洛阳家家学胡乐”,这表明当时少数民族音乐对中原影响很大。 Wang Jianyou, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem
that "chickens crow at the top of the city, and every family in Luoyang
learns Hu Music", which shows that the minority music had a great
influence on the Central Plains at that time. 相传,元朝时,黄道婆在海南岛学会了黎族人民的棉纺织技术,并进行改良、传播。 According to legend, in the Yuan Dynasty, Huang Daopo
learned Li people's cotton textile technology in Hainan Island, and improved and
spread it. 互相尊重 守望相助 Respect and help each other 在长期发展过程中,我国各民族的生活环境、文化习俗都有差别,表现在服饰、饮食、民居、节庆和礼仪等各方面。 In the long-term development process, the living
environment and cultural customs of all ethnic groups in our country are
different, which is manifested in clothing, diet, houses, festivals and
rituals. 各民族只有相互了解,彼此尊重,互帮互助,才能真正成为相亲相爱的一家人。 Only by mutual understanding, mutual respect and
mutual assistance, can all ethnic groups truly become a loving family. 活动园 Activity Park 五(2)班开展了一次少数民族传统节日展示会。 Class 5 (2) held an exhibition of traditional
festivals of ethnic minorities. 会上,同学们介绍了自己所了解的节日。 At the meeting, the students introduced their own
understanding of the festival. 我知道火把节,它是彝族、白族和纳西族等同胞的节曰。 I know Torch Festival. It is the festival of Yi, Bai
and Naxi people. 我和爸爸妈妈去云南旅游时,正好遇上他们过火把节。 When my parents and I were traveling to Yunnan, we
happened to meet them for the torch festival. 人们在村寨中央点起大火把,各家门前点上小火把,大家围着火把唱歌跳舞。 People light a torch in the middle of the village,
light a small torch in front of each house, and sing and dance around the
torch. 云南省大理白族自治州巍山彝族回族自治县的火把节。 Torch Festival in Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous
County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. 请你结合自己的经历或看过的资料,向同学介绍一个少数民族传统节日。 Please introduce a traditional festival of ethnic
minorities to the students based on your own experience or information. 可围绕下面问题进行介绍。 This is a brief introduction to the following
questions. 节日的名称是什么? What is the name of the festival? 这个节日给你印象最深的习俗是什么?它有什么寓意? What is the custom that impressed you most about this
festival? What is the implication of it? 如果有人想参加这一节日的活动,你想提醒他注意什么? If someone wants to participate in this festival, what
do you want to remind him of? 相关链接 Related links 新年是除旧迎新的日子,各民族用不同的语言表达对新年的祝福。 The new year is a day to get rid of the old and
welcome the new. Different nationalities express their wishes for the new year
in different languages. 比如,汉族说“过年好”“万事如意”;藏族用“扎西德勒”表示“吉祥如意”,用“洛萨尔桑”表示“新年好”;蒙古族说的“乌力吉”是“吉祥”“美好”的意思。 For example, Han people say "Happy New Year"
and "everything goes well"; Tibetans use "Zhaxidele" to
mean "good luck" and "losarsan" to mean "Happy New
Year"; "Wuliji" means "auspicious" and
"beautiful". 全面建成小康社会,个民族也不能少。 To build a well-off society in an all-round way, there
are no fewer nationalities. 我们56个民族要像石榴籽一样,紧紧抱在一起,同心同德,守望相助,努力实现这个伟大梦想。 Like pomegranate seeds, our 56 nationalities should
hold together closely, be of one heart and one mind, keep watch and help each
other, and strive to realize this great dream. 西藏墨脱小康示范村 Tibet Motuo well off demonstration village 活动园 Activity Park 在中华民族大家庭中,兄弟民族之间相互交流、学习,互帮互助,发生过很多感人的故事,也有不少歌曲表现了这些内容,国家还针对贫困地区制定了扶持政策。 In the big family of the Chinese nation, there are
many touching stories about the exchange, learning and mutual assistance
between the brothers and nationalities, and many songs show these contents. The
state has also formulated support policies for the poor areas. 五(1)班要围绕这些内容在国庆节前召开主题为“民族团结一家亲”的班会,几个小组长在策划。如果请你参加策划,你有什么好的建议? Class five (1) should hold a class meeting with the
theme of "national unity and family" before the national day, and
several group leaders are planning it. If you are invited to participate in the
planning, do you have any good suggestions? 我们小组学唱了《爱我中华》这首歌,并排练了民族舞,想表演歌伴舞。 Our group learned to sing the song "love me China",
and rehearsed the folk dance, wanted to perform the song and dance. 我们找了一组有关“精准扶贫”的图片,准备讲讲图片背后的故事。 We found a group of pictures about "targeted
poverty alleviation" and prepared to tell the story behind the pictures. 我们小组准备找一个不同民族之间互帮互助的故事,编成课本剧,到时候表演给大家看! Our group is going to find a story of mutual help
among different nationalities, and write it into a textbook play, and then show
it to you! 我们打算编一段赞美“兴边富民”行动的快板书。 We are going to write a quick blackboard to praise the
action of "prospering the border and enriching the people". 相关链接 Related links 国务院2017年发布的《兴边富民行动“十三五”规划》指出,实施兴边富民行动,对于推动边境地区经济社会快速发展。 According to the 13th five year plan of the action of
invigorating the border and enriching the people issued by the State Council in
2017, the implementation of the action of invigorating the border and enriching
the people is very important for promoting the rapid economic and social
development of border areas. 提高各族群众生活水平,加强民族团结,巩固祖国边防,维护国家统一,增进中外睦邻友好具有特殊重要意义。 It is of special significance to improve the living
standards of people of all ethnic groups, strengthen national unity,
consolidate the motherland's border defense, safeguard national unity, and
enhance good neighborly friendship between China and foreign countries. 广西陆地边境地区居住着壮、汉、苗、京、彝等民族。 Zhuang, Han,
Miao, Jing, Yi and other nationalities live in the land border areas of
Guangxi. 2011年以来,政府在这一地区投入大量资金,并制定相关政策,发展特色产业,发挥口岸功能,有力地促进了当地的发展。 广西凭祥友谊关口岸,工人忙于装卸货物。 Since 2011, the government has invested a lot of money
in this area and formulated relevant policies to develop characteristic
industries and give full play to the port function, which has effectively
promoted the local development.Guangxi Pingxiang friendship customs port,
workers busy loading and unloading goods. 阅读角 Reading corner “天路”颂歌 Ode to the way to heaven 青藏高地势高,素有“世界屋”之称。 The Qinghai Tibet Plateau is known as the "world
house". 高原空气稀薄,气候寒冷,雪山连绵,冰川广布。 The plateau has thin air, cold climate, continuous
snow mountains and widespread glaciers. 曾经有人预言:“有昆仑山脉在,铁路永远到不了拉萨。” Once someone predicted: "with the Kunlun
Mountains, the railway will never reach Lhasa." 然而,2006年7月1日,被人们看成是“天路”的青藏铁路全线通车,揭开了人类铁路建设史上的新篇章。 However, on July 1, 2006, the Qinghai Tibet railway,
which is regarded as the "heavenly road", was opened to traffic,
opening a new chapter in the history of human railway construction. 为了建造青藏铁路,有的汉族专家从20世纪70年代起就离开自己的家乡来到青藏高原,把灿烂的青春献给了青藏高原。 In order to build the Qinghai Tibet railway, some Han
nationality experts have left their hometown since the 1970s to come to the
Qinghai Tibet Plateau and dedicated their brilliant youth to it. 在建设过程中,藏族与汉族等多民族建设者在一起,解决了高原铁路建设中的一个又一个难题。 In the process of construction, Tibetan and Han ethnic
builders together solved one problem after another in plateau railway
construction. |
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