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8 猪没有时间观念 (3分钟)

2010-12-18 10:28| 发布者: 栗萍| 查看: 7865| 评论: 2

摘要: 英语故事 怎样如何学好英语 小学生学英语 网上英语培训 英语阅读 提高英语成绩 英语专家讲座


A pig has no sense of time


A pig has no sense of time


  1. A professor was driving his car along the countryside.

  2. He saw a farmer in an apple orchard.

  3. The farmer was feeding his pig.

  4. The pig was on the top of the farmer's head.

  5. He was moving for the pig to reach the apples.

  6. The pig was eating apples.

  7. The professor parked his car.

  8. He went over to the farmer.

  9. He told the farmer that he had a way to save him a lot of time.

  10. The farmer asked him what it was.

  11. The professor said, out the pig on the ground,

  12. get a stick,

  13. knock the apples to the ground,

  14. Let the pig eat the apples on the ground.

  15. The farmer did not seem impressed with the idea.

  16. He continued to move his pig from one apple to the other.

  17. Then he said, 

  18. It was not necessary at all, a pig had no sense of time.



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引用 jingshan8383 2011-8-1 15:57
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