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11 金银斧子 (10分钟)

2010-12-13 10:16| 发布者: 栗萍| 查看: 10762| 评论: 0

摘要: 英语故事 怎样如何学好英语 小学生学英语 网上英语培训 英语阅读 提高英语成绩 英语专家讲座





1. Once upon a time, a poor woodman was cutting wood in a forest.

2.It was time for lunch.

3.He ate some bread and went to a spring to drink water.

4.As he was drinking, his axe fell into the water.

5."I can't swim and the spring is very deep.

6.Without my axe I can't cut wood, 

7.so I can't earn money to buy medicine for my sick mother."

8.He was very sad and he began to cry.

9.Just then, some bubbles came up out of the water, 

10.and a shining angel appeared.

11.He asked the man kindly, "Hello, woodman. why are you crying so sadly?"

12.The man told the angel why.

13."Oh, poor man, let me help you." then he disappeared into the water.

14. After a while, he appeared again with a shining gold axe in his hand.

15."Is this yours?" he asked.

16."No, no, no. Mine is not as good as this one.Mine is an old one," he said. 

17.Then the angel disappeared into the water again.

18. After a while, he appeared again with a sliver axe in his hand.

19."Is this yours?" he asked.

20."No, no, no. Mine is an iron axe." he said.

21.Then the angel disappeared into the water again.

22. After a while, he appeared again with an old iron axe in his hand.

23."Is this yours?" he asked.

24."Yes, yes yes, it is mine. Thank you very much. 

25.I will work hard to earn money so I can buy medicine for my sick mother," the woodman said.

26.The angel smiled.

27."You are very honest.

28.As a reward, I will give this gold axe and this silver axe to you." he said.

29.So the woodman got all the three axes.

30.The next day, he showed other woodmen the gold axe and the silver axe. 

31.He told them what had happened.

32.One of them went to the forest. 

33.He threw his axe into the spring on purpose.

34.and he pretended to cry.

35. The angel appeared and asked, "why are you crying?"

36."I dropped my axe into the water, so I can't earn money to buy medicine for my sick mother," he lied.

37. The angel went into the water and brought out a gold axe.

38."Is this yours?" he asked.

39."Yes, yes, yes, it's mine." the woodman lied again.

40. The angel was very angry and he said, 

41."You dishonest and greedy man! 

42.Yours is a dirty, old, iron axe."

43.Then he disappeared.

44.Because the woodman was dishonest, he lost his axe and he began to really cry.




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